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Unda #243


20 ml

Unda #243 can be used for relief of symptoms associated with overindulgence in food and alcohol


Use according to standard homeopathic indications for self-limiting conditions as listed, or as directed by a health professional.
Hepatic Conditions
Unda 243 is a major hepatic cell drainer. It rapidly cleans and eliminates the effects of liver intoxication and relieves hepatic congestion. It also facilitates self-regeneration of the liver by eliminating toxins interfering with the enzyme system. This remedy is particularly indicated for overeating and following hepatic and other liver infections. The importance of the liver in chemical metabolism is always present as our central concern; any deficiency in its function will have repercussions in all body systems. This remedy is indicated for drainage of the hepatic cell, for digestive troubles originating in the liver and in cases of intolerance to alcoholic beverages, and pruritis, acne, boils.

UNDA Numbered Compounds are unique remedies synergistically formulated with plant constituents that target and carry potentized metals to specific organs where enzymatic and metabolic functions are carried out on a cellular level helping to facilitate the drainage of toxins.
UNDA Numbered Compounds are the only complex remedies of their type, formulated with both plants and metals, acting on organotropic and energetic sensitivity levels respectively. Each remedy has its own fingerprint and is combined synergistically based on the integrated principles and theories of anthroposophy, oligotherapy, botany, Traditional Chinese Medicine and homeopathy. UNDA Numbered Compounds are key in Biotherapeutic Drainage™ as they work on a physiological and “terrain” level, making them an excellent addition to practitioners’ prevention and treatment armamentarium.
Established over half a century ago in Belgium, UNDA is renowned for manufacturing exceptional homeopathic products utilized in supporting immune, lymphatic and endocrine systems. In the production of all homeopathic remedies UNDA uses only pure materials and herbs that are biodynamically grown or wildcrafted. UNDA produces a broad range of homeopathic products in various potencies including: the unique Numbered Compounds, Gemmotherapy macerates, Schüessler Tissue Salts, Gammadyn Oligo-Elements, Organotherapy, Plexes, creams and oils, as well as homeopathic compatible dental care.

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